The Wishing Well
"Abstinence", tis that what you said?
Perhaps I should write you a poem instead
Of Penning a letter. Perhaps a story to tell.
One that would speak of a lass by the well.
She threw into the dark, indentation
A wish, and a coin and incantation.
The lass was not young, but age'd with time.
Not as smooth was she as once in her prime.
And pon that coin she released to that well
Few words she uttered , as the silver, it fell.
Afar in the field a man spied our lass
While musing with thought, he sat 'pon the grass.
No word did he speak, but oh..watch her he did.
When she walked to the well, and lifted the lid.
In her hand, no longer soft with youths pliant charm,
She held the small coin, and slowly extended her arm;
Her emerald eyes shone from a flame far away,
Hardly could he hear the words she did say...
She stood very still, holding her token;
Quietly she murmured; the silence unbroken;
Yet the man turned his head, and thought he did hear
Of her wishes for something she held so dear.
He quietly crept closer to the vision so soft;
While the maiden it seems, held the coin from aloft.
Her eyes soft and glowing , her dream did insist;
She unfettered the silver from her tightly held fist.
"Wishes are soft, and hopes they are strong,
I wish 'pon this coin, that I hear my love's song.
Wishes shall be held, those so old and some new;
I hope 'pon this coin that my wishes come true."
The man had to strain to hear the last word.
Hardly she spoke, and hardly he heard
That she continued to speak, slow and yet soft
As if on a petal, dropped from a cloud held aloft.
"Bring me my true love, the one chosen in time.
Bring me that love for which I write and I rhyme.
Fair he will be, or perhaps dark, tis no care;
I will know him at once by the heart he does wear."
"Low will he speak when he proffers his charms.
Warm I will be by the strength of his arms.
Touched will my smile be by his sweet glow,
Fate, send him to me..for his face I shall know."
Hearing her wishes his own heart did stir...
He wanted a love, like the one wished by her...
The man wondered of her, his heart she has won,
He listened and waited for her song to be done
How moved he was by the lilt of her voice;
Sure she was Fate would send her her choice.
She released the coin and her hand did extend.
Then she leaned slightly over, her waist it did bend.
Her eyes looked down to the darkened abyss,
She continued to wish for her true lovers kiss.
The man watched her bend, heard a supplicant sigh;
So closer he moved to glean her with his eye..
The coin it did tumble and hit not a wall,
But fall head over tails to the end of it all.
She saw not a thing, but heard a soft splash,
When that did resound, her wishes did flash
And a mist rose from the depths of the well,
Speeding forth it rushed and above it did sail,
Upon silver furled banners out on to the west.
Landing pon the man, as a small star on his vest.
The lad was perplexed, and his head he did hold
For he looked to the lass, and she no longer looked old.
And upon his brown vest, there laid a sweet star,
That had come from the well...but did come very far.
She turned to the vision, and beheld in her sight,
The one fate did give her, to guide her with light.
A smile touched her lips, and she extended her hand...
"Let us walk together. As one we shall stand."
He clasped her hand without question or pause,
Together they left, and defied all those laws,
That say there is never a chance to again find
That love in a lifetime in your heart or your mind.
Copyright Dancers Inc. 1997
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