Monday, October 26, 2009

The Candle
You're pictured with a most perfect Life;
A cozy town and a flawlessly beautiful wife;
Children handsome, winsome and fair
A house embraced with a perfect cultural flair.
Near the misty path, you saw where stood
Wrapped and cloaked within the heather'd wood
She watched you grasp and reach for light;
An empty hand; a visionless sight.
From her pocket she did quietly withdraw
A taper of lavender, made of the dreams she saw.
The wick was immaculate, it ne'er been lit;
But now a golden flame she held out toward it.
You searched,and crashed in your own darkened night,
Then she held aloft the candle of her radiant delight
In the Flame she saw your heart, e'er crystal clear;
She knew there was ne'er a doubt, the candle had brough you near.
Tumbling and Stumbling over holes of gaping change
While colors of autumn mapled leaves do rearrange
The greens of idyllic, and ever hope-filled youth
Her candle does burn for you, e'er as Fortune's "truth".
That flame does now flicker about her green eyes
While she never would attempt to alter or somehow disguise
Her dreams of your leaves that will bloom anew;
Holding the candle with hope for the love of you.
A chance encounter, there in that glade
While the candle doth burn and hopes are made
For two strangers passing upon the indigo sea;
Tumbling e'er toward their appointed time to be.
No arctic blast will extinguish this flame;
No earthly pall; nor torrential cold rain;
Tis ever to burn, eternally silver white;
This candle she holds through day and night.
Copyright Dancer, Inc.1997
Thunder rumbles from
Large empty maws;
Disturbing the flows
Of the Natural Laws.
Opening so wide and
Spewing forth such a din,
Nothing but venom;
The Hate that's within.
Lightening Pulses;
Sparks surely fly.
Disruptions of the night
A vengeful reply.
Thunderheads Billow while
Cirrus clouds flee.
A once Noble Oak
Is now bent to her Knee.
Polarized Particles
Try to retrieve,
The balance of Nature.
Solitude to achieve
Calm breezes blow;
Yet just before Dawn,
Thunder claps Roar!
The quiet is gone.
No silence shall come
To that tiny space;
Rent beyond healing,
A hole left in space
Copyright Dancers, Inc. 1997
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
The Carnival
A festival of a shared time and place....
Visions of our dreams in space......
The Carnival
Cotton Candied swirling scenes;
Delightfully scented ways
Bringing stardusted tinged moonbeams
And Brightly color filled days.
Ferris wheels that whir about
Above the midway's light;
Flashy barkers all shout out,
"Come See the Strangest Sight!"
Taffy pulling; Hula Hoops
That spin and create a stir.
High and soaring "Loop the Loops"
Sights seen most everywhere.
Magic Mirrors bend and twist
And cause one's nose to bump.
A ball tossed with agile wrist
Knocks cans from ‘pon a stump.
Waxen figures leer and lean
From behind a velvet chain.
Roller coasters make you scream
But all in "terrors" vein.
Children's glee-filled giddy chatter
Is heard throughout the fair.
Parents rush to seek the matter
Stuck in juniors angel hair.
Clowns ‘pon stardust noses red
And make-up white as Ice.
Wigs of orange upon their head
A smile makes all feel nice.
"Step Right-up! Don't Be shy!"
Is sang upon the show.
"You'll not believe your eye.
The Beard this lass did grow"
"Win your love a Teddy Bear
For cuddling while away."
Wrap the lavender in her hair...
And Hand-in-hand you'll play!
Neon lights and signs do Flash
And merriment and mirth do make
Colors of all hues, smiles splash
‘Pon The Carnival all Partake.
Copyright Dancers, Inc. 1997
Soria Moria
~~~~Soria Moria~~~~
What beacon lights ones starry eyes
And brings a glittering forth?
A Viking whose strength oft belies
His hidden softness from the North.
He shined his ray 'pon orbs of green
That'd ne'er seen his ilk;
Awestruck and quiet by what she'd seen,
Silver Steel as smooth as silk.
The sparkle to which to her he brings
Comes from the depths of old.
The melody he sweetly sings,
Becomes a harmony once foretold.
About a Knight and maiden fair
And a castle of starry light;
The knight would come and seek her there
Pon one waning Winters iced night.
And there a chance occurance struck
A chord no history had seen.
they both knew they had been hit by luck
The Viking and the girl eye'd green.
What blade of light does cut the dark
and in the abyss glow brightly?
The one the Viking drew with remark
"My Siv I'll love you rightly"...
And with that swing of powerful arms
The glowing light did radiate
Through his love and wondrous charms
She'd nothing more to contemplate.
"A coin I tossed into a well
And there did hope and pray..
The coin did tumble; in love it fell
As the Viking passed this fated way."
"What makes my heart to shine and sing?
What brings me joy untold?
A viking and his noble Ring
A courier of times of Old"
"What brings my life the very light?
What Happiness in song fortold?
The Norseman in my every night
The Viking pon sails of gold."
"Thor your hammer beats my heart
In that tempo does it keep;
From this moment..nay from the start
In love and light so deep."
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009

Upon thy brow I had lain my locket..
I feel that you shall soon leave, depart
With that which I had put into your pocket...
So be it, if tis reality that beckons
You near. The siren's song of winds
And scents of heathers. Time reckons
Its own passage with deeds...and sins.
Slip away to the land of cloudless night
And there intrust your being with surety
That bound into this ethereal light
You will find, in Reality...a purety..

- What makes you think tis so, that there is more emotion to know? From what levels do you speak, that make me wonder if I am meek and sightless in my own pursuit, of that which plays as if a lute or harp upon the patterns of my night? There are others, with much less sight. Philosophers have pandered much as they talk of "why" and "what" and such stuff that most should ne'er care....but me I speak of LOVE tis fair...In that swiftest emotional flight, I swoon and sway with sad delight. What heights to reach upon loves soft wing, what soaring sounds our souls do sing in tune with beating hearts a fire, either passioned stirred or funeral pyre?Blinded eyes that still do see that which brings our serenity. Love of self and love of life, is not so easy, there still is strife to fight and shift and find again. Internal strife, tis there my friend. You worry so, my visions concern, yet you left me there to scrape and learn the ways of sadness, solitude fine. You vanished without a reason or rhyme. Flew like the specter off on an ethereal quest, flew from my heart, from my side from my breast. You worry about emotion and my poor sightless eye, yet you slip in unseen, and away you do rapidly fly. Stirring up thoughts of memories past, bubbling up recollections of Love's labors last. Pointing a finger you come to descry, the fact that this Dancer's lost objective eye, and remains entrenched behind a fanciful flight, hoping to find her chance and respite from the harsh realities of life's daily cause. You think she will never slow down or to pause at the gift of life, that one has been granted, rather indulge in fantasy enchanted?I stand ‘pon the threshold of my oblivious tract, trying to encompass that which most of us lack, and never have the pleasure in our vision to see, that which is the love that incorporates "WE". For love of life, or love of self, is not that which should bring us wealth, rather the love that makes two one, is the love we should not ever run from, but turn our hearts and energies toward, and upon that path that love we should hoard..and grasp it to our poor lost breast.....That dear Soul is my eternal quest.Happiness is but a single word, as flightless as the ancient Bird that could not soar, nor flee the sand, but there in mystery cloaked it'd stand. I have seen the duel edged sword, I have heard the loving word, that which raised my head so high...and that which made this Dancer cry. I know no other emotion that relays, the deepest feelings that love conveys to those we hope, no dare to touch....for in loving another....we love ourselves..as much.So speak not without recourse for me. Shake not my branches of tranquility, for within my prose, I find my rest, and ease that burden as I see best. Dance and sing, I do tis true, perhaps you did not see, or knew of the lilting poetic turn of the pen, but that is another story, till then I shall once again restate....Tis not so fair to come and sate yerself with your words, and naught for me, no way for I to make it be the way it was so you should know, you've closed your window, my letters don't flow. I've sought to write and your friendship seek, but you are gone again, as the rippling creek that flows right by my dreamers door.....You hit and run for the opposite shore.*looks down tries to see what is written in the sand....clawed and dug by an ominous hand...there upon the ravaged shore, she see's the totals, smiles and changes the score.......RW-5 BH-0.....*
He comes to pilfer her dreams.
Slowly eroding her ethereal might
While feasting upon castled schemes.
Nourishment comes from taking
That which never could be his.
In his devouring, tis her unmaking,
And upon which his countenance lives.
Hushed and murmured is her breath
While escaping; dreams gently beat
Into his talons, she move ne'er to death;
Until her soul he owns; complete.
He sneaks to her slumbering side,
With lips that met hers once in bliss.
Now but fangs of Chaos's bride
Removing her salvation with a kiss.
As he draws in her exhalation
Filled with glee at her demise.
Holds exquisite his exhilaration
Viewed with her hackneyed eyes.
Retribution glimpsed upon his face
As the last ebbing hope does scream.
He knows he holds her to her place,
As he devours her heart and her dream.
As she fades into oblivion's hand,
She knows the mistake she had made.
To have let him into her hope-filled land,
Her essence he has now way-laid.
How many nights? How many rhymes
In which she vowed e'er to leave?
How many lost Dreams? How much lost time?
Only death shall be her reprieve.
Mourn not her loss my stalwart friend;
Advance thy Vision's banner proud.
This is not her final end
For in your dreams again she'll sing aloud!
Copyright Dancers, Inc. 1997