Monday, October 26, 2009

The Candle
You're pictured with a most perfect Life;
A cozy town and a flawlessly beautiful wife;
Children handsome, winsome and fair
A house embraced with a perfect cultural flair.
Near the misty path, you saw where stood
Wrapped and cloaked within the heather'd wood
She watched you grasp and reach for light;
An empty hand; a visionless sight.
From her pocket she did quietly withdraw
A taper of lavender, made of the dreams she saw.
The wick was immaculate, it ne'er been lit;
But now a golden flame she held out toward it.
You searched,and crashed in your own darkened night,
Then she held aloft the candle of her radiant delight
In the Flame she saw your heart, e'er crystal clear;
She knew there was ne'er a doubt, the candle had brough you near.
Tumbling and Stumbling over holes of gaping change
While colors of autumn mapled leaves do rearrange
The greens of idyllic, and ever hope-filled youth
Her candle does burn for you, e'er as Fortune's "truth".
That flame does now flicker about her green eyes
While she never would attempt to alter or somehow disguise
Her dreams of your leaves that will bloom anew;
Holding the candle with hope for the love of you.
A chance encounter, there in that glade
While the candle doth burn and hopes are made
For two strangers passing upon the indigo sea;
Tumbling e'er toward their appointed time to be.
No arctic blast will extinguish this flame;
No earthly pall; nor torrential cold rain;
Tis ever to burn, eternally silver white;
This candle she holds through day and night.
Copyright Dancer, Inc.1997
Thunder rumbles from
Large empty maws;
Disturbing the flows
Of the Natural Laws.
Opening so wide and
Spewing forth such a din,
Nothing but venom;
The Hate that's within.
Lightening Pulses;
Sparks surely fly.
Disruptions of the night
A vengeful reply.
Thunderheads Billow while
Cirrus clouds flee.
A once Noble Oak
Is now bent to her Knee.
Polarized Particles
Try to retrieve,
The balance of Nature.
Solitude to achieve
Calm breezes blow;
Yet just before Dawn,
Thunder claps Roar!
The quiet is gone.
No silence shall come
To that tiny space;
Rent beyond healing,
A hole left in space
Copyright Dancers, Inc. 1997